The retail sector has experienced dramatic changes in recent years. In addition to the ability to shop online from the comfort of your own home, consumers can now shop via their smartphone, giving on-the-go shopping an entirely new name. Consumers and retailers now have unique ways to interact with one another, making mobile solutions for every retail business a necessity.
Comparison Shopping
It’s common knowledge consumers want to be able to comparison shop. While this used to only be available on the Internet or in actual brick-and-mortar stores, consumers now have the prices of products at almost any store at their fingertips wherever they are through the use of their smartphone. A consumer can be standing in one store and find the price of the identical product at several other stores in a matter of minutes with a few clicks on their phone. This simple fact forces retailers to offer mobile applications and solutions to remain competitive today.
Uses of a Smartphone
The statistics almost speak for themselves, 85.9 percent of consumers over the age of 18 have used their smartphone to visit a retail store and 83 percent use it to compare prices. In addition, consumers use their smartphone to search for products, read reviews and eventually purchase them. A retailer’s applications can be used to increase the level of engagement with consumers through the various touch-points available. Making the consumer’s visit to your store through a mobile application exciting, and easy to use and providing benefits that aren’t available anywhere else could help you stand apart from the rest.
Increase Traffic
Mobile applications often use location-based information, allowing retailers to offer special promotions to local customers. This makes promoting your company or products less expensive and allows it to reach a vast number of consumers with ease. With real-time access to all aspects of a store, including inventory and current pricing, consumers are quickly driven to your retail operation, allowing you to get your employees out on the sales floor, interacting with customers, rather than stuck in the backroom doing mundane tasks.
Consumer Advantages
For the consumer, there are many advantages to mobile shopping. Retail mobility allows customers to get the products they desire now, rather than later. With real-time information, mobile payments and mobile services, such as extended packaging, customers quickly receive a higher level of satisfaction and personalization that leads to higher sales.
Mobile shopping opens up many advantages for consumers and retailers, making it important for retailers to understand the benefits and determine how they can use it to their advantage. The mobile strategy needs to be one that offers a smooth transition and outstanding performance to increase sales, traffic and customer satisfaction.
i95Dev expert development team can provide your retail operation with top-of-the-line mobile applications and mobile commerce capabilities. We are one of the top providers in the industry; to learn more about what we can provide for your retail operation, visit our Mobile Commerce section or call us at 1-301-760-7499.