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April 21, 2014

Why Magento is considered as the
best eCommerce platform –Part 3

Author Victor Achilles
Category Blog | Magento |

In our previous blogs around Magento we talked about why Magento has always been a first choice among retailers and how they can leverage upon Magento enterprise feature. In this blog we will highlights how Magento can be integrated with Third party application to reap more benefits. Magento being a highly flexible and open source platform enables you to integrate with various third party applications like ERP, CRM, POS, etc. Having Magento connected to your ERP, CRM, and POS will lets you to keep track of inventory, sales and customers all within one system which in turn allows you to get more out of your existing investments. This is incredibly powerful because you will not have to go back and forth managing each piece of software individually or worrying about what information is missing from each application.

Integrate Magento with your ERP

Magento serves as an excellent ecommerce tool to help you increase the number of orders you get. But the work does not stop here; the orders received kick start a host of other processes from order processing, order fulfillment, delivery, inventory management to accounts.Traditionally, all the orders received are manually entered into the ERP system for further processing. But this can be a tedious, time consuming and error prone process which can restrict your business. It can limit the number of orders you process, your customer satisfaction levels, etc. So get the most out of your ERP system and ecommerce investment it is important to integrate the two systems and automate the entire process

Integrate Magento with CRM

With sales happening over multiple channels it is very difficult to provide a consistent user experience to customers. Customers today purchase online and expect their issues to be resolved in store or they order on phone and track their shipment online. They expect to register once and have their information available everywhere.  It’s imperative for businesses to have a centralized database with all customer information and order history. This can be achieved by integrating Magento and CRM and automatically exchanging all the required information between the two systems

Integrate Magento with POS

Customers today expect a seamless shopping experience from brands irrespective of the location or channel they are shopping in. Customers tend to prefer stores where they are identified and are treated like kings/ queens. Imagine a customer, who predominantly purchases online, walks into your brick and motor store for the first time. What would your sales and customer’s satisfaction  be like if there was a way your store sales man could magically identify the customer needs and very quickly help him/her identify the right product. This is possible by integrating your ecommerce (Magento) store with your POS system. The customer information, order history and all other information can now be automatically synced between the two systems .This enables your sales team to take better and informed sales decision

Integrate Magento third party market places (eBay and Amazon)

Customers today have multiple shopping options (channels) and it is very important for retailers to catch their attention at every possible location. Marketplaces like eBay and Amazon provide an amazing opportunity for retailers to target a large group of customers and increase their sales. With so many channels already to manage retailers are forced to look for options which can help them make the most of the opportunity. By integrating Magento with eBay and Amazon, customers can manage all their orders from a single location without worrying about where the order is coming from and still reap the benefits of the increased sales

Integrate Magento with Social Media Platforms like Face Book, Twitter, and Pinterest etc.

Customers spend bulk of their time online on social networking sites. They use them to interact with friends, discover new trends and products, recommend new trends and products, etc. Retailers, who want to find, connect and retain customers, have to be present at all these locations. To help retailers, these social networking sites now have the added capability to allow customers to purchase products directly from the site.

How i95dev can help?

For any further information on our offerings please contact us at or call us on 301.760.7499. We would be more than happy to understand your requirement and help you out with our expertise.

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