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February 13, 2015

Customize your Magento store
to fit in your B2B needs

Author Jeremy Meyer
Category Blog | Magento |

Magento is fastly growing in popularity as an ecommerce platform, and B2B business owners are progressively looking more to Magento as a basis for their online efforts. For B2B companies, ecommerce is a powerful way to reach new customers and drive business. Manufacturers and distributors of B2B products need to know Magento in and out before opting for it. And like any other solution it has its own limitations, but with i95Dev identifying the gaps empowers Magento to bridge in the B2B needs as mentioned below and helps businesses to achieve intended business goals.

Quotation process

B2B organizations operate in complex environments, deals with large number of suppliers and distributors. They mostly follow a typical flow – request for proposal, go in for negotiation, quotations are made accordingly and send to the requester, closes with the requester accepting the proposal. Once the deal is closed, transaction occurs. Magento being primarily a B2C platform does not facilitate this flow.
i95Dev Sales Quote Module helps Magento to come out of this limitation by adding full quotation process giving your business the necessary edge to accomplish business objectives.

Accounts Payable

No longer can businesses expect their customers to buy online and go through lengthy paper based payment process. Magento which solely evolved from B2C needs lacks features to address the B2B concerns where stakeholders can view, print or pay online their pending transactions through store’s web portal.
i95Dev Bill Pay Module helps to overcome this limitation by allowing real time control and visibility into online payment processes and streamlines your business’s cash management.

Quick Order

B2B customer is more often a returning customer who knows exactly what he needs. All they look for is the ease in searching products, and importantly selecting bulk products at one go when they buy those items regularly. Magento lacks this feature to support B2B customers, instead forcing such bulk buyers to search or browse products one by one thereby affecting customer experience.
i95Dev Quick Order Module gears up Magento that helps your business to facilitate customers with the ability to input SKU or part numbers and designate quantity for purchase. This gives the regular buyers a sigh of relief as they no longer have to perform the repetitive time taking task to order in bulk online.

ERP integration

B2B sellers with a large customer base may have bulky existing systems to support their complex business processes, price discount rules, logistics, etc. Since every B2B customer is different, automating the processes involved need customization.
In case, your customer base is growing rapidly and you have umpteen products with multiple attributes, you must look for ERP integration with Magento. All you need is to streamline your business so that you do not end up displeasing your customers; the best thing you can do is to integrate your Magento store with the backend ERP for better performance and customer satisfaction.
Magento by default is not meant for B2B ecommerce system and lacks features essential to support B2B customers. i95Dev with variety of modules and a team experienced in customization projects helps to overcome those limitations. Feel free to connect us at or 301.760.7499

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